International Commission on Acoustics The Australian Acoustical Society

Late Paper submission NOW CLOSED.              

To submit your paper:

To submit your paper you must have submitted an abstract and received the acceptance, and have the login details to be able to upload your paper. To go directly to the login site for ICA 2010 click here.

All papers must be uploaded in pdf format  in accordance with the template which can be downloaded from here in Word or in LaTex:
ICA 2010 Paper Template (MS Word)           ICA 2010 Paper template (LaTex)

The conference runs on a 20 minute schedule so you should plan your paper for presentation time of 16 mins, 2 min for questions and 2 mins for room changeovers.  Paper should normally not exceed 8 pages but up to 12 pages will be accepted.

We encourage all contributors to provide a paper but if this is not appropraite for you then please use the paper template and insert your abstract then up load as your paper.  This way you will have an entry in the proceedings book.

Late Abstract Submissions - NOW CLOSED

To submit an abstract you need to enter your unique access key which is generated from a partial registration.

If you do not have your unique access key please click here and follow the instructions for partial registration then return to this page.

If you already have your unique access key then please click here to proceed with abstract submission.

If you are experiencing difficulties with the online abstract submission site, email us.

The abstract should be between 200 and 400 words. Affiliation should include the name of your organisation, the city and the country.

The abstract submission allows for the author to request an optional paper review.  This option is available for those authors who require a peer review of their paper to obtain the approval from their organisation to attend the congress.  In the abstract submission form there is a drop down list of main topic areas and special sessions and you can choose from this listing the most appropriate for your paper.

10            General acoustics, education
101ss     Education
20            General linear acoustics
25            Nonlinear acoustics
28            Aeroacoustics and atmospheric sound
30            Underwater sound
3001ss  Underwater sound transducers
3002ss  Underwater sound propagation
3003ss  Underwater sound effect on marine life
35           Ultrasonics, quantum acoustics, and physical effects of sound
3501ss  Sonoprocessing
3502ss  Sonochemistry and Sonoluminescence
3503ss  Bubbles on biomedical and industrial surfaces
3504ss  Geophysical and engineering bubble acoustics
3505ss  Medical bubble acoustics
3506ss  High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) and its application in medicine
3507ss Micro/Nanofluidics and Actuation
3508ss Thermoacoustics
3510ss  Mack Breazeale Memorial Session
38           Measurement, Generation and reproduction of sound
4001ss Theoretical and computational acoustics
40           Structural acoustics and vibration
50           Noise: its effects and control
5001ss Environmental Noise Management
5003ss Road transportation noise
5004ss Aircraft noise
5005ss Wind farm noise
5008ss Health effects of noise
5010ss Occupational noise
5011ss Vehicle noise and vibration
5012ss Rail transport noise and vibration
55           Architectural acoustics
5501ss Sound transmission in lightweight structures
58           Acoustical measurements and instrumentation
60           Acoustic signal processing
64           Physiological acoustics
6401ss Hearing rehabilitation
66           Psychological acoustics
6601ss Psychoacoustics from ecological viewpoints
6603ss Soundscapes
6605ss Sonic Interaction Design
70           Speech production
71           Speech perception
7101ss  Acquisition of Speech Perception Skills
72           Speech processing and communication systems
75           Music and musical instruments
80           Bioacoustics






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The 20th International
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